Monday, July 7, 2008


NST'S EDITORIAL : 7/7/2008

AMONG Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek's top priorities on becoming information minister was rationalising the role of the "alternative media", which were seen to have played a decisive part in not just the build-up to this year's general election but the continuing socio-political turbulence since then.

To this end, we have seen initiatives to bring "bloggers" in from the cold, so to speak, with a weekly programme on RTM featuring interviews with these independent-minded media mavericks. Yet, it would be in the nature of any maverick worth his free-range existence to consider such accommodation as a capitulation. Graciously inviting celebrity gadflies for tea and a chat amounts to little more than a sideshow and diversion. Far more substantive would be the formal recognition of news websites that have utilised the unfettered licence of the Internet not to shoot their rabble-rousing mouths off or engage in slanderous badinage with the cybermasses, but to demonstrate their conviction, ideals and professionalism in participating in the activity known as "journalism".

There are today Malaysian news, analysis and commentary websites that have cut their teeth and proved their colours. Many are run by bona fide journalists of considerable experience and ability. Some have shown tenacious staying power, and admirable resolve to stick to their principles as news-based concerned observers and not politically driven revolutionaries. Granting them the respect of accreditation would help the best of them do better, by allowing them legitimate access to news makers and events. As with all responsible media, doing their jobs better cannot but be beneficial for the societies they serve.

Just as importantly, however, the accreditation of online journalists will help distinguish those applying sound professional principles to their job from those under the delusion that they are the job. At best, the privateer polemicists of the "blogosphere" may feature among the "talking heads" on whom real reporters report. But they speak purely for themselves.

The hitherto blurry distinction between true pros and mere pundits has been a weakness of the medium, granting specious popularity to frauds and charlatans and demeaning the committed and capable. The loony fringe will always persist -- perhaps the human condition would be diminished without it -- but, as with all other extremist constituencies, it ought to be readily discerned from the main and seen for what it is and no more. Nothing would conduce more to this than acknowledging the maturation of professional online news media, and legitimising their practitioners.

Wira : Syabas Dato' Ahmad Shabery Cheek for the recognition.

1 comment:

Aspirasi said...

It's not about popularity.. it's about a truth... and relevence for all the times.

It's what MOI must do a long time ago.. because UMNO already failed to tackle the alternative media.

Man Is What He Belives...